Online gambling of all kinds (from slots to classic casino games) is legal in the UK and while it has definitely seriously exacerbated "problem" gambling, it's NOTHING like porn. Mostly because almost every male and a lot of females masturbate to visual or textual stimuli (internet has also vastly improved access to largely very badly written but still usable smut, btw) and sexual drive is pretty universal. The BEHAVIOUR is not "porn usage", it's wanking, and it's universal for half the population and very common for the other half. Porn merely facilitates it in sometimes enjoyable, sometimes compulsive ways. Gambling is nowhere near as universal and while it hijacks our reward circuits, it isn't exactly instinctual.

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Feb 29·edited Feb 29Liked by Daniel T

At the very least, the five-category image isn't any worse than my Mario 64 tangent which made a similar point.

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I am liking this post even though you have traumatized me by including that video of the Vikings QB being sacked. Sigh.

That being said, I enjoyed the article, especially your five categories—even with that terrible graphic—which are very helpful for thinking about how societies use shame, convenience, persuasion, and law to shape people’s actions. I do wish that we had a better way of resisting the internet’s “deal” on porn and snorts gambling, though. Neither is at all good for us.

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Reading this late. It would be a sidebar but libraries have really struggled with PORN until the CIPA act said, no federal $$ for Internet if you don't filter. But everyone doesn't filter and that meant the librarians had to create adult only areas-- essentially peep shows where kids couldn't see the screens. Once people got phones the library became less of a site for porn viewing but somewhere in my reading pre-smart phones I think that the argument was that homeless people need access to porn too, then some library workers sued as it was a toxic workplace but then phones --so even homeless people had porn access in their pockets. But library parking lots where CIPA in effect, they can't access porn.

I think you should do a separate post on gambling as it's going to be a tsunami. In Fl. the gambling hotlines are overwhelmed.

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