Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn Dan dropping truth!

This is a fantastic point that should be obvious but is so obscured by all the posturing: people will not go backwards, not at scale and not voluntarily.

As to footnote 6, I very much enjoy the “impossible” products…once I actually tried them. When it was first being rolled out I went to Burger King and asked for the “meat free whopper” because I couldn’t remember the name. Got home and they’d given me a bun sandwiching lettuce tomato and onion. As meat free as you could get. I couldn’t believe the great chargrilled flavor.

Also this footnote reminds me of the parks and rec episode where Chris pits his gourmet turkey burger against Ron’s food n stuff plain beef patty and loses majorly in the taste test.

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Thank you! And that is an amazing story. Fair warning, I will definitely steal that (with attribution) if I write a piece about vegan tech. I keep writing and cutting words about plant based food from these pieces but it's really amazing how far it's come. The Impossible Whopper versus the veggie burgers from the 90s?!

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I’d love for you to use that story. My best friend thinks it’s hysterical and has even gone to Burger King just to have the accurate props to send me a photo of him with a “meat free whopper.”

Have you read The Expanse series? I’m fascinated by the food in it (how could we feed everyone if humans had expanded out into the asteroid belt and outer planets). The stuff available now is absolutely outstanding.

But speaking of going backwards, Morningstar Farms recently changed the recipe on their beloved sausage patties to make them vegan and they now suck so hard. It’s devastating. Check the message boards!!!

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This is incredibly coincidental. I’m in the middle of watching the television adaptation of The Expanse right now. I find it absolutely fascinating and am trying to figure out how to write a piece about it. The show is like a counterpoint to Star Trek - where they have all this fantastical technological advancement and have achieved Utopianism - in that (at least the TV version) feels like a more realistic version of what that kind of future would look like.

Have you read the seen the series? Are the books worth reading even if I have? I was thinking about buying them but with my fictionphobia I’m always looking for excuses not to.

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The books are outstanding. Each one is told through a different set of narrators in alternating chapters (it’s not confusing. There’s a core group of about 5 main characters). Each book feels different because of that, and also delves into different social and political contexts. The tv show is pretty darn good about keeping the thrust of the story intact, but the books are superb and far richer in detail. I’ve read the series twice (minus the final book, which I’m waiting on the paperback coming out next month to match the rest of the books.)

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